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Celanese Celstran® PP-GF40-0501 P10/13 PP, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF40-10 PP, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF40-20 AD 3004 Black PP, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF40-23 AF3001 Natural PP, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF45M15-04CN15/10 PP, 60% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-02- Natural PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-02 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-02-Black PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-03 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-03-Black PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-04 Black PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0403 P10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0403 P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0403P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0405P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0453 P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0453P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0455 P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0455P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-0458 P10/10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-10 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF50-BV337 PP, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF60-02 Natural PP, 60% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF60-0403 P10/10 PP, 60% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF60-0406 P10/10 PP, 60% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF60-0453 P10/10 PP, 60% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PP-GF60-25 AD3002 Black PP, 60% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-AF35-01- PPS, 35% Aramid Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-AF35-01-US PPS, 35% Aramid Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-CF30-01 PPS, 30% Specialty
Celanese Celstran® PPS-CF40-01 PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese Celstran® PPS-CF50-02 AF 3002 Natural PPS, 50% Specialty
Celanese Celstran® PPS-GF30-01 PPS, 30% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-GF40-01 AD3002 Black PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-GF40-01 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-GF50-01 AD3002 Black PPS, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-GF50-01-US PPS, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® PPS-SF6-01 AF3005 Natural PPS, 6% Stainless Steel Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® TPU-CF40-01 TPU, 40% Specialty
Celanese Celstran® TPU-GF30-01-US TPU, 30% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® TPU-GF40-01-US TPU, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® TPU-GF50-01-US TPU, 50% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celstran® TPU-GF60-01-US TPU, 60% Glass Reinforced
Celanese Celvaset™ PL1000 Coalescent for Paint
Celanese CHEM GRADE 50001436 80% Acetic Acid
Celanese Clareflect® Acetate Film
Celanese Clarifoil® Acetate Film
Celanese COMPEL PP-GF30-04 PP, Glass Reinforced
Celanese Coolpoly® D1202 Thermally Conductive Polypropylene
Celanese Coolpoly® D3606 Thermally Conductive Polyamide 4,6
Celanese CoolPoly® D3608 Thermally Conductive High Temperature Polyamide (HTN)
Celanese CoolPoly® D3612 Thermally Conductive Polyamide (PA66/6)
Celanese Coolpoly® D4302 Thermally Conductive Polybutylene Terephthalate
Celanese CoolPoly® D5108 Thermally Conductive Polyphenylene Sulfide
Celanese CoolPoly® D5110 Thermally Conductive Polyphenylene Sulfide
Celanese CoolPoly® D5112 Thermally Conductive Polyphenylene Sulfide
Celanese CoolPoly® D5502 Thermally Conductive Liquid Crystalline Polymer
Celanese CoolPoly® D5506 Thermally Conductive Liquid Crystalline Polymer
Celanese CoolPoly® D8102 Thermally Conductive Thermoplastic Elastomer
Celanese CoolPoly® E1201 Thermally Conductive Polypropylene
Celanese CoolPoly® E2 Thermally Conductive Liquid Crystalline Polymer
Celanese CoolPoly® E3603 Thermally Conductive Polyphthalamide (PPA)
Celanese CoolPoly® E3607 Thermally Conductive Polyamide (PA6)
Celanese CoolPoly® E4301 Thermally Conductive Polybutylene Terephthalate
Celanese CoolPoly® E4501 Thermally Conductive Polycarbonate
Celanese CoolPoly® E5101 Thermally Conductive Polyphenylene Sulfide
Celanese CoolPoly® E5103 Thermally Conductive Polyphenylene Sulfide
Celanese CoolPoly® E5105 Thermally Conductive Polyphenylene Sulfide
Celanese CoolPoly® E8101 Thermally Conductive Thermoplastic Elastomer
Celanese Crastin® BM6450XD BK560 PBT-F
Celanese Crastin® CE15315 BK010 PBT-GF15FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® CE15315 NC010 PBT-GF15FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® CE15330 BK010 PBT-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® CE15330 NC010 PBT-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® CE2055 BK580 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Celanese Crastin® CE2055 NC010 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Celanese Crastin® FG6130 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FG6131 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FG6134 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FGS600F10 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FGS600F40 BK594 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FGS600F40 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FGS621F50 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® FR1301TC BK350 PBT-I-CD40FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® FR684NH1 BK591 PBT-GF25FR(40)
Celanese Crastin® FR684NH1 NC010 PBT-GF25FR(40)
Celanese Crastin® FR684NH1 OR162 PBT-GF25FR(40)
Celanese Crastin® FR685NH1 BK591LM PBT-GF30 FR(40)
Celanese Crastin® FR685NH1 NC010 PBT-GF30 FR(40)
Celanese Crastin® FR685NH1 OR162 PBT-GF30 FR(40)
Celanese Crastin® HR5315HF BK503 PBT-IGF15
Celanese Crastin® HR5315HF NC010 PBT-IGF15
Celanese Crastin® HR5315HFS BK591 PBT-IGF15
Celanese Crastin® HR5315HFS NC010 PBT-IGF15
Celanese Crastin® HR5330HF BK503 PBT-IGF30
Celanese Crastin® HR5330HF NC010 PBT-IGF30
Celanese Crastin® HR5330HFS BK591 PBT-IGF30
Celanese Crastin® HR5330HFS NC010 PBT-IGF30
Celanese Crastin® LW9020 BK580 PBT+ASA-GF20
Celanese Crastin® LW9020 NC010 PBT+ASA-GF20
Celanese Crastin® LW9020FR BK851 PBT+ASA-GF20FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® LW9020SF NC010 PBT + ASA-GF20
Celanese Crastin® LW9030 BK851 PBT+ASA-GF30
Celanese Crastin® LW9030 NC010 PBT+ASA-GF30
Celanese Crastin® LW9030FR BK851 PBT+ASA-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® LW9030FR NC010 PBT+ASA-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® LW9320 BK851 PBT+SAN-GF20
Celanese Crastin® LW9320 NC010 PBT+SAN-GF20
Celanese Crastin® LW9320LM BK591 PBT+SAN-GF20
Celanese Crastin® LW9330 BK851 PBT+SAN-GF30
Celanese Crastin® LW9330 NC010 PBT+SAN-GF30
Celanese Crastin® PC164 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S600F10 BK851 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S600F10 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S600F20 BK851 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S600F20 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S600F40 BK851 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S600F40 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S610SF BK851 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Celanese Crastin® S610SF NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S620F20 BK851 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S620F20 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® S650FR NC010 PBT-FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® SC164 NC010 PBT
Celanese Crastin® SK601 BK851 PBT-GF10
Celanese Crastin® SK601 NC010 PBT-GF10
Celanese Crastin® SK602 BK851 PBT-GF15
Celanese Crastin® SK602 NC010 PBT-GF15
Celanese Crastin® SK603 BK851 PBT-GF20
Celanese Crastin® SK603 NC010 PBT-GF20
Celanese Crastin® SK605 BK851 PBT-GF30
Celanese Crastin® SK605 NC010 PBT-GF30
Celanese Crastin® SK605LM BK591 PBT-GF30
Celanese Crastin® SK608 BK509 PBT-GF45
Celanese Crastin® SK609 BK851 PBT-GF50
Celanese Crastin® SK609 NC010 PBT-GF50
Celanese Crastin® SK641FR NC010 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Celanese Crastin® SK642FR BK851 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Celanese Crastin® SK643FR BK851 PBT-GF20FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® SK643FR NC010 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Celanese Crastin® SK645FR BK851 PBT-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® SK645FR NC010 PBT-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® SK695FR BK507 PBT-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® SK695FR NC010 PBT-GF30FR(17)
Celanese Crastin® SO653 NC010 PBT-GF20
Celanese Crastin® ST820 BK503 PBT-HI
Celanese Crastin® ST820 NC010 PBT-HI
Celanese Crastin® ST830FRUV NC010 PBT-HIFR(17)
Celanese D Antistat 907 kg-51007157 91-93% Paraformaldehyde
Celanese DUR-O-SET® 351A VAE Emulsion for Nonwovens
Celanese DUR-O-SET® 909 VAE Emulsion for Nonwovens
Celanese DUR-O-SET® 982 PVAc Emulsion for Nonwovens
Celanese DUR-O-SET® C-310 PVAc Emulsion for Nonwovens
Celanese DUR-O-SET® C-310 PVAc Emulsion for Paper Saturation
Celanese Dur-O-Set® C-351 VAE Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-130 VAE Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-150 VAE Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-200 HV VAE Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-200 VAE Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-230 VAE Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-310 PVAc Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-325 PVAc Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Dur-O-Set® E-335 PVAc Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese DUR-O-SET® E-646 VAE Emulsion for Paper Saturation
Celanese DUR-O-SET® SOFT VAE Emulsion for Nonwovens
Celanese EBL 200 kg-50000931 80% Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate (SAIB) Solution in Ethyl Acetate
Celanese EcoVAE® 401 VAE Emulsion for Paint
Celanese EcoVAE® 405 VAE Emulsion for Paint
Celanese EcoVAE® 450 VAE Emulsion for Paint
Celanese Elvamide® 8061 PA6/66/610
Celanese Elvamide® 8061Z PA6/66/610
Celanese Elvamide® 8063 PA6/66/610
Celanese Ethanol with TCX® Technology
Celanese Flexabond® 150 PVAc Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Flexabond® 156 Acrylic Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Flexabond® 95 Styrene Acrylic Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Flexabond® 96 Styrene Acrylic Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Flexabond® 97 Styrene Acrylic Emulsion for Paper Packaging Adhesives
Celanese Formaldehyde 37/12-15 Aqueous Solution with 12-15% Methanol Inhibitor
Celanese Formaldehyde 37/7 Aqueous Solution with 7% Methanol Inhibitor
Celanese Formaldehyde 37/9-12 Aqueous Solution with 9-12% Methanol Inhibitor
Celanese Formaldehyde 37UN Unstabilized Aqueous Solution
Celanese Formaldehyde 44UN Unstabilized Aqueous Solution
Celanese Formaldehyde 46.5UN Unstabilized Aqueous Solution
Celanese Formaldehyde 50UN Unstabilized Aqueous Solution
Celanese FORTRON 0203HS PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 0205B4/20µm PPS, Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 1115E7 PPS, Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1115L0 PPS, 15% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 1120L4 PPS, 20% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 1130L0 PPS, 30% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1130L4 PPS, 30% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1131L4 ITT PPS, 30% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1132L4 PPS, Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 11400000000 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1140L0 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1140L4 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1140L4-T PPS, Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1140L6 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1140L7 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1140LC6 PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 1141L4 PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 1200L1 PPS, Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 1342L4 PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 203 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 205 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 214 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 300 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 309 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 317 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 320 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 335 PPS, Unfilled
Celanese FORTRON 4184L4 PPS, 53% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 4184L6 PPS, 53% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 4332L6 PPS, Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 4665B6 PPS, 65% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 6150T6 PPS, 50% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 6160B4 PPS, 60% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 6162A7 PPS, Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 6165A4 PPS, 65% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 6165A6 PPS, 65% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON 6341L4 PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 6345L4 PPS, 30% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 6450A6 PPS, 51% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON 6850L6 PPS, 50% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON CES50 PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON FX4330T7 PPS, 30% Impact Modified
Celanese FORTRON FX4382T1 PPS, Impact Modified
Celanese FORTRON ICE 504L PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON ICE 506L PPS, 40% Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON ICE 714A PPS, 65% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON ICE 716A PPS, 65% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON ICE 716L PPS, 65% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON ICE 717F PPS, 65% Mineral / Glass Reinforced
Celanese FORTRON MT9115L0 DW PPS, 15% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON MT9120L4 PPS, 20% Medical Technology
Celanese FORTRON MT9140L4 PPS, 40% Medical Technology
Celanese FORTRON MT9140L6 PPS, 40% Medical Technology
Celanese FORTRON MT9141L4 DW PPS, 40% Specialty
Celanese FORTRON MT9203HS PPS, Medical Technology
Celanese FORTRON MT9205C4 PPS, Medical Technology
Celanese FORTRON MT9205P4 PPS, Medical Technology
Celanese FORTRON MT9320C0 PPS, Medical Technology
Celanese Fortron® 1130 L4 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), 30% Glass Fiber
Celanese Fortron® 1140 A0 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), 40% Glass Fiber
Celanese FORTRON® 1140 E7 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
Celanese Fortron® 1140 L4 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), 40% Glass Fiber
Celanese Fortron® 1140 L6 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), 40% Glass Fiber
Celanese Fortron® 1140 L7 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), 40% Glass Fiber
Celanese FORTRON® 1140EC Glass Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
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