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LyondellBasell Dexflex 727 RXF Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727 XXX BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727 YZ9A/XXX Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV 4LLA Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV AG64 Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV BTFA ADOBE Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV RXF AB2 Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV YGYA DC Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV YGYA Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 727-UV ZSP Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 810 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 815 BLK XXX Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 815 XXX Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 815-PUV DX9 Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 815-UV RXF Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 826HF-UV RXF Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 870E FP BLK Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Dexflex 910 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 911-UV Thermoplastic Polyolefin, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Dexflex 935C BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 940D FP BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 980 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 980-PUV 501F Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 990-PUV NH533 Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Dexflex 992 NH533 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex 992 NH696 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D160 FP BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D160 HF black FP Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D170 XXX Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D45 BLK AP Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D60-UV 4LLA Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D60-UV G01 Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex D60-UV YGYA FS Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Dexflex E756-1 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell DEXFLEX® 711 TPO
LyondellBasell DEXFLEX® 727 TPO
LyondellBasell DEXFLEX® 810-1 TPO
LyondellBasell DEXFLEX® 940 TPO
LyondellBasell DEXPRO E420-UV BLK Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell DP 0110M Polybutene
LyondellBasell DP 8220M Polybutene
LyondellBasell DP 8310M Polybutene
LyondellBasell DP 8510M Polybutene
LyondellBasell DPM Dipropylene glycol methyl ether
LyondellBasell DPMA Dipropylene glycol methyl ether acetate
LyondellBasell DPNB Dipropylene glycol normal butyl ether
LyondellBasell DPNP Dipropylene glycol normal propyl ether
LyondellBasell Ethanol, 200 Proof
LyondellBasell Extrudable Tie-Layer Resin Plexar® PX 5300 - Anhydride Modified LLDPE
LyondellBasell Extrudable Tie-Layer Resin Plexar® PX 5327 - Anhydride Modified LLDPE
LyondellBasell Extrudable Tie-Layer Resin Plexar® PX 5332 - Anhydride Modified LLDPE
LyondellBasell Extrudable Tie-Layer Resin Plexar® PX 5338 - Anhydride Modified LDPE
LyondellBasell Extrudable Tie-Layer Resin Plexar® PX 909 - Anhydride Modified HDPE
LyondellBasell GA675662 Petrothene® Linear Low Density Polyethylene
LyondellBasell Glycol Ether DB Diethylene glycol butyl ether
LyondellBasell Glycol Ether DBA Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate
LyondellBasell Glycol Ether DE Diethylene glycol ethyl ether
LyondellBasell Glycol Ether DM Diethylene glycol methyl ether
LyondellBasell Glycol Ether EB Ethylene glycol butyl ether
LyondellBasell Glycol Ether EBA Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate
LyondellBasell Hifax 0306 BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax 0307 2085 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax 0307 BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax 0309 NH533 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax 0309 NH-696 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax 5519/1 G 1750 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax 7430 XEP Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax 7430P SILHOUETTE GRAY Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax BA35HC BLK P23894 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax BB 73 G C12716 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BB 73 G C12719 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BB 73G SR C15703 Polypropylene, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BB 73G T 2065 (EBONY) Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BB 73G T SR C12716 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BC 72 A/1 3001 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BC 72 G C11544 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BC 72 G C13055 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BC 72 G G12435 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BC 72 G/1 1648 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BC 72G T/1 2078 (YZ9A) Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BR 1149 A/M 3194 Polypropylene, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BR 1149 G M C11462 Polypropylene, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax BR 713 N 1420 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 10 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 A3 1740 BLK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 A3 LS1 BLACK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G2 HF C11306 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 1740 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 C11306 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 C3 C15203 High Impact Polypropylene, 10% Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 LS 1740 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 LS BLACK Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 LS C12477 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1110 G4 LS/4 1740 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1133 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1168 A 3001 S1 High Impact Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1168 A 3001 S1 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1168 G C1V301 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 12 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1210 G 1740 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 1210 G C12477 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 138 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 182 G G12435 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 197 J WHITE Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 207 A Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 212 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 387 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 387 PC YZ9A BLACK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 43 A BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 5010 A Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 5075 A Expanded Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 60 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 60 C/M 1750 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 60 C/M C12886 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 60 G G12435 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 60 G NERO Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7153 S Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7201 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 721 GW Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7271 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7320 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7378 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7441 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA 7442 A Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110 A3-LS BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110 A3-LS NA BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110 G3 1740 Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110 G3 9B9 BLACK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110 G3 LG 9B9 BLACK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110 G3 PO 1740 BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110/1GC BLK P23444 Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA1110/2AC BLK P23444 Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC 183E STEALTH GRAY Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC 848T Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC 9QRA STERL GRAY Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC GXH Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC RXF BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC YBTA Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA387PC YGYA BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA60A NA 598F ANTHRACITE Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Hifax CA60A NA 598F ANTHRACITE Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CA60A NA 848 BLACK Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Hifax CA60A NA 848 BLACK Thermoplastic Polyolefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1151 G C12768 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 A BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 1646 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 BLACK Polypropylene , Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 C11538 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 G41440 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 G74010 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 G81493 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 1160 G1 Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 237 G 1312 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 237 G 1420 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 237 G 2125 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB 45G T 2003 (SC BLACK) Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB1158AC S1/2 BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax CB247GC 848 BLK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax CB259PC YGYA BLK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 1401P JA6A Black Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 1401P YZ9A BLACK Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 781P BFQA ARIZONA BEIGE Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 781P BTFA Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 781P T1 C12716 High Impact Polypropylene, Mineral Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 781P YGYA BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax DRL 781P YZ9A BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax EBC 911P T 2065 Polypropylene, 20% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax EBC 911P T 2077 (JA6) Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EBG 625P 2003 (SC BLACK) Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EBG 626P BLACK Polypropylene, 20% Glass Fiber Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax EBG 626P C12716 Polypropylene, 20% Glass Fiber Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 107X BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 112X 3001 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 112X BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 177P BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 187P 1750 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 200P C11306 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 2150X GREY Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 244X 1 BLACK Polypropylene, 40% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 244X BLACK
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 244X GREY
LyondellBasell Hifax EKC 287P G22524 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax EKG 2037X BLACK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EKS 668P BLACK Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax EP2 015/60 M Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EP2 015/60 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EP200R Thermoplastic Olefinic, Impact Resistant
LyondellBasell Hifax EP3080 Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EP3080G Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EP5 10/60 BIANCO Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax EP5 10/60M BIANCO Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax EPR 60/BIANCO Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax EPR 60/M BIANCO Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax ERC 2014P C1V301 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax ERC 2014P NA 7C45 BLACK Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax ERC 2014P Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax ERC 2061P C13098 Polypropylene, Mineral Reinforced
LyondellBasell Hifax ERC 347P G14008 Polypropylene with 30% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA 3104/1 YGYA BLK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA3041 YGYA BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA3104 BTFA PALE ADOBE Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA3104 G01 BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA3104 ZJWA STORM GRY Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA4161U P23494 J DEERE GRY Thermoplastic Polylefinic
LyondellBasell Hifax ETA4161UV GRY Thermoplastic Elastomeric Olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax EYC 335P C13055 Polypropylene with 20% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax EYC 335P C13055 Polypropylene, 20% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax EYC 361P G13063 Polypropylene with Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax EYG 382P C12716 Polypropylene with Glass Fiber Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax EYG 382P T1 C12716 Polypropylene, 28% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax Hifax 7639 XCS Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax HKC 426P BLACK Polypropylene with 20% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax HKG 418P C1V301 Polypropylene with 20% Glass Fiber Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax Hostacom EYC 2135Y BLACK Polypropylene , Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax Hostacom TRC 103P D72926 Polypropylene , Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax Hostacom TRC 770P NATURAL Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer
LyondellBasell Hifax Hostacom TSOP EM1 G73024 Polypropylene , Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1151 G 1222 Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1151 G3010 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1157 BLACK Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1158 G C12763 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1158 G G12435 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1158G T 2065 (EBONY) Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBM CB 1158G T 2068 N2.5 BK Polypropylene
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBMCB1158 PC/2 RXF BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax HSBMCB1158ACLS/3 BLK Thermoplastic Elastomeric olefin
LyondellBasell Hifax IZB 08 T 3098 GR BOI E Polypropylene, 15% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax M2 U13 C11306 Polypropylene with Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax PPK 8027HL23 BLACK Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax PPN 8008 103220 Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax PPU 1752S2S003 157003 Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax PPU X9067HS UV-7C45 mineral-Filled HCPP copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax RC 516N 2053 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax RTA3223 WA6247 GRY Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer (TPO)
LyondellBasell Hifax RTA3263UV YGYA BLK Thermoplastic Olefinic Elastomer (TPO)
LyondellBasell Hifax SP 179 3004 Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax SP179X T 2003 (SC BLACK) Polypropylene Copolymer
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 151P C13098 Polypropylene with 20% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 2127X 3001 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 220P 1 C13077 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 220P C12719 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 220P C13098 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 220P G12761 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 220X 1 3001 Polypropylene, Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 220X 1 BLACK Polypropylene, 15% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 238X BLACK Polypropylene with 20% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 243P C1V301 Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 243X BLACK Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 362X R BLACK Polypropylene, 10% Talc Filled
LyondellBasell Hifax TKC 407P 3004 Polypropylene, 15% Talc Filled
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