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Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LD 2420E02
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LD 2420F3
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LD 2420F8
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LD 2426F8
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LFI 2119
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LFI2047A
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LFI2125A
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE – LFI2130
Persian Gulf Polymer LDPE-LPNA3 Recycled LDPE
Persian Gulf Polymer LFBL1 (Black Color) Recycled LDPE
Persian Gulf Polymer LFNA1 (Natural Color) Recycled LDPE
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE – LL0209AA
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE – LL0209KJ
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE – LL0220AA
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE – LL0220KJ
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE-LL22501KJ
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE-LL22502AA
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE-LL22502KJ
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE-LL22B01AA
Persian Gulf Polymer LLDPE-LL22B03AA
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-EP440G Block Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-EP440L Block Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-EP448S Block Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-EP548R Block Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-EP548T Block Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-HP525J Polypropylene Homopolymer
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-HP550J Polypropylene Homopolymer
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-HP552R Polypropylene Homopolymer
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-RP340N Random Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-RP340R Random Copolymer Polypropylene
Persian Gulf Polymer PP-RPX-345S Random Copolymer Polypropylene
Perstorp Compounds 136 Urea-Formaldehyde w/ cellulose filler
Perstorp Compounds 161 Urea-Formaldehyde w/ cellulose filler
Perstorp Compounds 171 Urea-Formaldehyde w/ cellulose filler
Perstorp Compounds 371 Urea-Formaldehyde w/ cellulose filler
Perstorp Compounds Akestra™ 100 Thermoplastic Copolyester
Perstorp Compounds Akestra™ 110 Thermoplastic Copolyester
Perstorp Compounds Akestra™ 90 Thermoplastic Copolyester
Perstorp Compounds Aminel FX Melamine
Perstorp Compounds Aminel GF Melamine
Perstorp Compounds AMITEC 751 Melamine
Perstorp Compounds AMITEC VXO UF/MF blend
PES-410 Powdered Polyethylene
Petromont 1000 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 1002 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 1003 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 1100 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 1101 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 1201 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 1202 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 2001 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 2100 Medium Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 2200 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 3000 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 3002 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 3100 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 3101 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 3103 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 4100 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 4101 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 4102 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 5000 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 5001 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 7000 Medium Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 7001 Medium Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 7002 Medium Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 8001 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont 8002 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petromont DGDP-2485 High Density Polyethylene Resin
Petropol Durepol® A3 G10 NTLA010 BT309 MSP PBT, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G10 PRTA011 BT313 PBT, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G15 NTLA010 BT316 MSP PBT, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G15 PRTA011 BT317 MSP PBT, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G15 TZ NTLA010 BT327 PBT, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G17 FR PRTA010 BT319 PBT, 17% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Flame Retardant
Petropol Durepol® A3 G20 NTLA010 BT308 PBT, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G20 PRTA011 BT321 MSP PBT, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G30 FR NTLA010 BT324 PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Flame Retardant
Petropol Durepol® A3 G30 FR PRTA010 BT303 PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Flame Retardant
Petropol Durepol® A3 G30 NTLA010 BT302 PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 G30 UV PRTA011 BT304 PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, UV Stabilized
Petropol Durepol® A3 G40 PRTA011 BT341 PBT, 40% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Durepol® A3 HL BRC0001 BT347 MSP PBT, Injection & Extrusion Molded
Petropol Durepol® A3 HL PRTA011 BT315 MSP PBT, Injection & Extrusion Molded
Petropol Durepol® A3 NTLA010 BT307 PBT, Injection & Extrusion Molded
Petropol Durepol® A3 PRT0566 BT343 PBT, Injection & Extrusion Molded
Petropol Durepol® A3 TZ NTLA010 BT311 PBT, Impact Modified
Petropol Durepol® A3 V20 CNZ0350 BT331 PBT, 20% Glass Bead Filled
Petropol Durepol® A3 V20 PRTA010 BT337 PBT, 20% Glass Bead Filled
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF1 MF UV BRC0581 PC302 MSP PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF1 MF UV BRC0581 PC302 MSP PC, Dry
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF15 MF UV BRC0432 PC352 PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF15 MF UV BRC0432 PC352 PC, Dry
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF2.5 MF UV BRC0432 PC381 MSP PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF2.5 MF UV BRC0432 PC381 MSP PC, Dry
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF5 MF UV BRC0432 PC376 PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® A3 DF5 MF UV BRC0432 PC376 PC, Dry
Petropol Makropol® A3 FME0578 PC350 PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® A3 FME0578 PC350 PC, Dry
Petropol Makropol® A3 G10 TZ NTLA016 PC380 PC, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® A3 G20 MF UV NTLA010 PC374 MSP PC, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® A3 G20 MF UV NTLA010 PC374 MSP PC, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® A3 G20 NTLA010 PC305 PC, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® A3 G30 NTLA010 PC308 PC, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® A3 G30 UV PRTA010 PC400 PC, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® A3 HF P10 S2 CNZ0352 PC337 PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 HF UV PRTA010 PC301 PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 HL UV BRCA596 PC318 PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 HL UV PRTA0597 PC325 PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 HL UV VRMA0598 PC340 PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 HV TZ NTLA010 PC357 PC, Impact Modified
Petropol Makropol® A3 LF FR CNZ0357 PC329 MSP PC, Flame Retardant
Petropol Makropol® A3 MF FR PRT0304 PC339 MSP PC, Flame Retardant
Petropol Makropol® A3 MF UV PRTA010 PC395 MSP PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 MT NTLA010 PC356 PC, Impact Modified
Petropol Makropol® A3 UV CNZ7024 PC366 PC
Petropol Makropol® A3 UV FME0609 PC399 PC
Petropol Makropol® B3 G30 MF UV CRLA010 PC396 PC, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Makropol® B3 HF FR UV CRLA010 PC312 PC, Flame Retardant
Petropol Makropol® B3 HV UV CRLA010 PC341 PC
Petropol Makropol® B3 LF FR VRM0359 PC355 MSP PC
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF TZ UV VRD0353 PC328 PC
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF UV CRLA010 PC306 PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF UV CRLA010 PC306 PC, Dry
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF UV CRLA012 PC319 PC
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF UV RUB0096 PC393 PC
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF UV VRM0383 PC333 MSP PC, 50% RH
Petropol Makropol® B3 MF UV VRM0383 PC333 MSP PC, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A1 G30 PRTA011 NR105 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A1 G50 PRTA010 NR280 Nylon 66, 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A1 G6 MT PRTA010 NR117 Nylon 66, 6% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Impact Modified
Petropol Nypol® A1 HL PRTA010 NR118 Nylon 66
Petropol Nypol® A2 G30 NTLA012 NR210 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A2 G30 NTLA012 NR210 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A2 G33 M3 NTLA014 NR203 MSP Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, MoS2 Filled, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A2 G33 M3 NTLA014 NR203 MSP Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, MoS2 Filled, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A2 HL UV PRTA010 NR281 Nylon 66
Petropol Nypol® A2 M3 HF PRTA011 NR536 Nylon 66, 3% MoS2 Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A2 M3 HF PRTA011 NR536 Nylon 66, 3% MoS2 Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A2 PRTA011 NR206 Nylon 66, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A2 PRTA011 NR206 Nylon 66, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 BRC0001 NR360 MSP Nylon 66
Petropol Nypol® A3 FR NTLA010 NR309 Nylon 66, Flame Retardant
Petropol Nypol® A3 G10 D20 PRTA010 NR515 Nylon 66, 10/20% Glass Fiber/Bead Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G10 NTLA010 NR452 Nylon 66, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G10 NTLA010 NR452 Nylon 66, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G10 NTLA010 NR512 Nylon 66, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G10 NTLA010 NR512 Nylon 66, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G10 UV PRTA011 NR436 Nylon 66, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G13 NTLA010 NR406 Nylon 66, 13% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G15 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR303 MSP Nylon 66, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized
Petropol Nypol® A3 G15 NTLA010 NR324 Nylon 66, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G15 TZ NTLA010 NR369 MSP Nylon 66, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Impact Modified
Petropol Nypol® A3 G20 NTLA010 NR401 Nylon 66, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G20 PRTA011 NR383 Nylon 66, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G20 UV CNZ0355 NR468 Nylon 66, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G20 V10 NTLA010 NR304 Nylon 66, 20/10% Glass Fiber/Bead Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G20 V10 PRT010 NR302 Nylon 66, 20/10% Glass Fiber/Bead Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G25 D15 HS RH PRTA011 NR467 Nylon 66, 25/15% Glass/Mineral Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G25 FR UV PRTA011 NR410 Nylon 66, 25% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Flame Retardant
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 BGE0564 NR538 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HL PRT0478 NR513 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS RH NTLA015 NR398 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS RH NTLA015 NR398 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS RH TZ NTLA013 NR417 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS RH UV PRTA011 NR393K Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS RH UV PRTA011 NR393K Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS UV RH AML0144 NR450 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR393 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 M2 N1 NTLA014 NR353 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 M2 N1 NTLA014 NR353 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 M2 NTLA014 NR394 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, 2% Mo2S Filled
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 NTLA010 NR399 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 P20 NTLA016 NR540 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 P20 PRTA010 NR428 Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 UV NTLA010 NR482 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G30 UV NTLA010 NR482 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G33 BRC0001 NR379 Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G33 HS NTLA013 NR307 Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G33 HS NTLA013 NR307 Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G33 HS UV PRTA011 NR351 Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized
Petropol Nypol® A3 G33 NTLA010 NR315 Nylon 66, 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G35 HS UV RH PRTA010 NR346 Nylon 66, 35% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G35 HS UV RH PRTA010 NR346 Nylon 66, 35% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G35 NTLA010 NR451 Nylon 66, 35% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G40 NTLA010 NR313 Nylon 66, 40% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G5 TZ UV CNZ0355 NR526 Nylon 66, 5% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G50 HS PRTA012 NR356 Nylon 66, 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® A3 G50 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR416 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G50 HS UV RH PRTA011 NR416 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 G50 NTLA010 NR308 Nylon 66, 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 G50 NTLA010 NR308 Nylon 66, 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 HF NTLA010 NR316 Nylon 66
Petropol Nypol® A3 HL NTLA010 NR310 Nylon 66
Petropol Nypol® A3 HL UV PRTA010 NR418 MSP Nylon 66
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS AML015 NR469 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilized, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS AML015 NR469 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilized, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS NTLA013 NR323 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS NTLA013 NR323 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS PRTA011 NR404 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS PRTA011 NR404 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS UV TZ PRTA010 NR372 MSP Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Impact Modified
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS UV VRM0128 NR333 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 HS UV VRM0128 NR333 Nylon 66, Heat Stabilizer, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 HV NTLA010 NR397 Nylon 66, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 HV NTLA010 NR397 Nylon 66, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 M2 PRTA011 NR535 MSP Nylon 66, 2% MoS2 Filled, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 M2 PRTA011 NR535 MSP Nylon 66, 2% MoS2 Filled, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 M3 NTLA014 NR411 Nylon 66, 3% MoS2 Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 M3 NTLA014 NR411 Nylon 66, 3% MoS2 Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 N10 NTLA014 NR329 MSP Nylon 66, 10% Graphite Filled, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 N10 NTLA014 NR329 MSP Nylon 66, 10% Graphite Filled, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 P5 NTLA016 NR345 Nylon 66, 5% PTFE Filled, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 P5 NTLA016 NR345 Nylon 66, 5% PTFE Filled, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 ST HS NTLA015 NR322 Nylon 66, Impact Modified, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 ST HS NTLA015 NR322 Nylon 66, Impact Modified, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 ST HS PRTA011 NR365 Nylon 66, Impact Modified, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 ST HS PRTA011 NR365 Nylon 66, Impact Modified, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 ST NTLA010 NR385 Nylon 66, Impact Modified, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® A3 ST NTLA010 NR385 Nylon 66, Impact Modified, Dry
Petropol Nypol® A3 TZ NTLA010 NR339 MSP Nylon 66, Impact Modified
Petropol Nypol® A3 TZ PRTA010 NR355 Nylon 66, Impact Modified
Petropol Nypol® A3 VLF6 M0,5 P15 NTLA014 NR382 MSP Nylon 66, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B1 G20 PRTA010 NT252 Nylon 6, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® B1 G20 PRTA010 NT252 Nylon 6, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® B1 G30 PRTA010 NT223 Nylon 6, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B1 PRTA010 NT493 Nylon 6
Petropol Nypol® B2 CNZ0237 NT210 Nylon 6
Petropol Nypol® B2 MT PRTA010 NT226 Nylon 6
Petropol Nypol® B2 PRTA010 NT203 Nylon 6, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® B2 PRTA010 NT203 Nylon 6, Dry
Petropol Nypol® B3 CO HL UV PRT010 NT418 Nylon 6, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® B3 CO HL UV PRT010 NT418 Nylon 6, Dry
Petropol Nypol® B3 FR NTLA010 NT358 Nylon 6, Flame Retardant
Petropol Nypol® B3 G10 NTLA010 NT305 Nylon 6, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G10 PRTA011 NT390 MSP Nylon 6, 10% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G10 T10 NTLA010 NT383 Nylon 6, 10/10% Glass Fiber/Mineral Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® B3 G10 T10 NTLA010 NT383 Nylon 6, 10/10% Glass Fiber/Mineral Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® B3 G15 AZL0164 NT491 MSP Nylon 6, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Conditioned
Petropol Nypol® B3 G15 AZL0164 NT491 MSP Nylon 6, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Dry
Petropol Nypol® B3 G15 HL AML0131 NT411 MSP Nylon 6, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G15 HS PRTA011 NT365 Nylon 6, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G15 NTLA010 NT317 Nylon 6, 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G20 NTLA010 NT306 Nylon 6, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G20 UV PRTA010 NT320 Nylon 6, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G25 CNZ7024 NT319 Nylon 6, 25% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G25 HS PRTA011 NT495 Nylon 6, 25% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Heat Stabilized
Petropol Nypol® B3 G25 NTLA010 NT337 Nylon 6, 25% Glass Fiber Reinforced
Petropol Nypol® B3 G28 HL UV CNZ0155 NT416 Nylon 6
Petropol Nypol® B3 G30 GW PRTA010 NT356 Nylon 6, 30% Glass Fiber, Flame Retardant
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