Information provided by Deloro Stellite, Inc. Typical data, not guaranteed as a maximum or minimum. Highly alloyed white cast iron, abrasion resistant. Carbides in a martensitic matrix offer high hardness and wear resistance. Mo and Co content make heat resistance better than other irons. Processing: Anneal: 6hours/790°C (1450°F), furnace cool; Harden: 2 hours/1065°C (1950°F), air cooled. Temper: 2 hours/190°C (375°F). As cast preferable, should be ground to size or E.D.M. Annealing for other machining operations is not reliable. Difficult to anneal and harden. Corrosion Resistance: Generally superior to mild steel, but worse than 410 stainless steel. Significant corrosion in weak acids and will pit in the presence of chloride. Applications: Abrasive metal-on-metal applications below 590°C (1100°F); agricultural implements, sealrings, brick making die parts, cement feed shoes, ice scraper blades, sand mixers, drill collars, and other low impact applications Forms: Simple cast shapes, preferably chill cast, comparable hardfacing consumables. Product of former Deloro Stellite Inc. Similar to Delfer B |